Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back With Nary A Sound


I found my way back to San Francisco and the joy of love in a place called home. The quick rundown goes:

April: Hauled 25 boxes and a New York-weary ass back to the West Coast. Invaded the home of my lovely and generous friend Jen, who let me stay with her in Oakland for three months. Can I recommend Amtrak for all your cross-country shipping needs? It's $0.39 a pound. They don't make deals like this anymore!

May: Internship at UCSF going full speed ahead. All HIV, all the time.

June: Days spent lapping around San Francisco's best outdoor pool. Weekends spent pedaling through the hills of Oakland and the summer fogs of Marin County. Browner and browner I become.

July: Internship ends. Moved to an apartment in San Francisco. Engaged in full-blown love affair with the city. Slowly getting back my drawering mojo (stay tuned, new drawerings to come).

August: Funemployment and all its trappings.

Past bouts of joblessness have gifted me with handy bits of wisdom. Schedules, lists and spreadsheets are a big help, like spoons in a mashed potato food fight.

My latest plot to escape the terrible traffic noise outside my window is to bring my laptop to different libraries to work. They've renovated a lot of the branches in the last five years, so most are bright and modern. Sidenote: These photo galleries of ribbon-cutting ceremonies for various branch re-openings are fun and revealing. Former Mayor and douchey hottie Gavin Newsom pretties up the scenery, as usual, and where else but San Francisco would there be lion dancers at almost every event?

I've been working at my neighborhood library, but it's time to explore farther reaches. They say your senses dull as you age, but my nose can't seem to stop sniffing the complex subtleties of the heavily scented homeless people who hang out in city libraries. Maybe a trip to a different location will yield fewer aromas than my Park branch, only a block away from the malodorized lives of Haight Ashbury.

Back on the east coast...

Something Nice Happened in New York.

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